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Heliopan 25.5mm RG 830 Infrared Filter

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User Manual for Heliopan 25.5mm RG 830 Infrared Filter

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Heliopan 25.5mm RG 830 Infrared Filter Contents of the user manual for the Heliopan 25.5mm RG 830 Infrared Filter
  • Product category: Infrared & UV Photography Heliopan
  • Brand: Heliopan
  • Description and content of package
  • Technical information and basic settings
  • Frequently asked questions – FAQ
  • Troubleshooting (does not switch on, does not respond, error message, what do I do if...)
  • Authorized service for Heliopan Infrared & UV Photography

User manual for the Heliopan 25.5mm RG 830 Infrared Filter contain basic instructions that need to be followed during installation and operation. Before starting your appliance, the user manual should be read through carefully. Follow all the safety instructions and warnings, and be guided by the given recommendations. User manual is an integral part of any Heliopan product, and if it is sold or transferred, they should be handed over jointly with the product. Following the instructions for use is an essential prerequisite for protecting health and property during use, as well as recognition of liability on the part of the manufacturer for possible defects should you make a warranty claim. Download an official Heliopan user manual in which you will find instructions on how to install, use, maintain and service your product.

And do not forget – unsuitable use of a Heliopan product will considerably shorten its lifespan!

Product description

The Heliopan 25.5mm RG 830 (87C) Infrared Filter corresponds to a Wratten 87C filter is designed to help capture images of how a subject reflects or transmits infrared light.

Infrared light waves occupy the space in the electromagnetic spectrum behind visible light due to their longer wavelengths. Many surfaces and materials react to, or emit infrared light waves differently than visible light waves, which provide the potential for photographs of subjects or subject properties that are otherwise invisible to the human eye. Such images require an infrared-sensitive medium such as infrared film or a digital photographic sensor which may be more effective when used without the infrared-blocking filters that are frequently built over them.

Conventional light sources such as the sun, photographic strobes, or incandescent lighting may be used to provide infrared illumination. However, because infrared films or digital photographic sensors can be more sensitive to the relatively higher energy and shorter-wavelength visible light those sources also emit, the effects of infrared light can be otherwise obscured. The Heliopan 25.5mm RG 830 (87C) Infrared Filter makes it possible to capture images of how subjects are illuminated by infrared light by blocking near-infrared, visible, and ultraviolet light waves while allowing approximately 85% of infrared light waves 830nm or greater into the lens it is mounted onto.

This filter is constructed from Schott glass for increased optical clarity and features a thin brass filter ring to minimize the potential for vignetting while enhancing durability and jamming prevention.
    • Designed for use with infrared film or digital camera sensors by filtering out near-infrared, visible, and ultraviolet light
    • Allows approximately 85% of infrared light waves beginning at 830nm to pass through
    • Effective for infrared films or other media sensitive to infrared wavelengths 830nm or above
    • Constructed from Schott glass for optical clarity
    • Each glass surface includes four layers of anti-reflection coating to prevent internal ghosting and reflections
    • Filter factor of approximately 200x reduces exposure by about 7.6 stops
    • Thin, brass filter ring helps to prevent vignetting, jamming, and provides additional strength
    • 25.5mm front filter threads allow for use with other filters
    • Plastic case for storage and transport
In the Box Heliopan 25.5mm RG 830 (87C) Infrared Filter
  • Filter Case
  • Limited Lifetime Warranty
  • Table of Contents

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    Technical parameters

    Heliopan 725564 Specs

    Type Infrared Filter
    Size 25.5 mm
    Density ~2.3
    Filter Factor ~200 (~7.6 stops)
    Multi-Coated Yes
    Effect Helps provide the ability to capture images of subjects illuminated only by infrared light by blocking accompanying near-infrared, visible, and ultraviolet light
    Construction Schott glass
    Front Filter Thread Size 25.5 mm
    Front Lens Cap Size 25.5 mm
    Package Weight 0.1 lb
    Box Dimensions (LxWxH) 3.4 x 2.7 x 0.6"


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